Postmodernism Complexity & Conservation

Virtual event

Image details

Postmodernism Complexity & Conservation is a virtual series discussing the social, political, architectural, and material challenges surrounding preservation and Postmodernism. The third installment in the series will be a panel discussion covering the challenges of conserving Postmodern materials.

Hosted by Beyer Blinder Belle

Panel Moderator:
Gretchen Pfaehler, Partner, Beyer Blinder Belle

Avigail Charnov, Historic Preservation Specialist, General Services Administration (GSA)
Deborah Slaton, Principal, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Taryn Williams, Senior Project Manager, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger


Tuesday May 4, 2021 
12:00 pm -1:30 pm Eastern

The event is registered for 1.5 AIA LUs

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